Full Moon for the Solstice

This year we will have the Full Cold Moon or Full Long Nights Moon on December 21st, for Yule and the Solstice.  Not only that but there will also be a total lunar eclipse on the 20th, just hours before winter officially begins.  According to the article at space.com, those of us in the states will be able to witness the eclipse either during the middle of the night or in the predawn hours, depending on your location.  The last time these three events happened at the same time was in 1638!

I had a bit of a struggle finding additional info on this topic.  However, there's a very informative, and thought inspiring article about this over at Llewellyn.com for more.  I don't want any issues with copying someone's work, so head on over there and give it a read!

~ Heathen


Anonymous said…
I did not know this! I am so excited! Definately need to make a night out of it! Thank you luv!!!

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