C'mon Ladies...Let's Clean House!

Okay, I know spring cleaning season is over (for most of us).  But if, like me, you've left a few things undone, now is the time.  The Summer Solstice is nearly upon us!  It's time to finish the spring cleaning and get your house ready for the summer months.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Spruce up your porch, deck, or patio for outdoor lounging and entertaining.
  • Get your grill ready for evening and weekend barbecues.
  • Start saving your empty jars to use as luminaries.
  • If you live in the north, remove the storm windows/doors and replace the screens.
  • Air out the house before it gets too hot and sticky.
  • Change the filter for your air conditioner and make sure it's working properly.
  • Clean your fans.
  • Pack away any remaining cold weather clothes and blankets; donate those you no longer want or need.
  • Bring out the shorts, skirts, t-shirts, flip-flops, and lightweight blankets.

I know, it seems like a lot of work.  But trust me, you'll appreciate having it done and being ready for the hot & lazy days of summer!

~ Heathen
Living Life Seasonally


The Traveler said…
At our house spring cleaning happens almost every other week, lol. Thanks for the tips =).
Anonymous said…
Wonderful reminders for last minute chores!

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