Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Midsummer, is the longest day of the year. After the Solstice the nights gradually begin to grow longer again. Litha is a fire festival and a classic time for magic of all types.
Customs and Activities:
red, orange, yellow, green, and white
Foods: due to the Summer heat in FL, I like to serve a light meal that doesn't require the oven.
Customs and Activities:
- spend the day outside
- wear the colors of the Sun
- lighting a blaze (or candles) on Midsummer's Eve and maintaining it until midnight brings luck and blessings to the home
red, orange, yellow, green, and white
- sunflowers
- bees
- lanterns or twinkle lights
- wreath of ivy with yellow & red flowers or ribbon intertwined
Foods: due to the Summer heat in FL, I like to serve a light meal that doesn't require the oven.
- summer veggies
- grilled meat, poultry, or fish
- Sangria
- anything lemony or citrus
- love
- divination
- protection
- inspiration
- any fairy magic
Happy Summer Solstice!
~ W